Over the past two weeks, we have committed to the active, constant, and arduous practice of unlearning and reevaluating our role and complicity in an ecosystem of systemic oppression as members of the global Asian community and conscious members of society.
As a small minority female-led company founded on principles of equity and inclusion, it's imperative for us to build power in solidarity with the fight for Black lives. But this will not be an overnight sprint. Nor is “anti-racism” a stasis within reach after volumes of books purchased or podcasts downloaded.
As the author Lauren Michele Jackson writes, “The word and its nominal equivalent, “anti-racist,” suggests something of a vanity project, where the goal is no longer to learn more about race, power, and capital, but to spring closer to the enlightened order of the anti-racist. The very assurance of absolution is tainted.” But read, invest, and put in the labor we must.
Over the past week, we have shared 10% of our daily sales with Black-led organizations doing essential work in our communities. From supporting Black trans people affected by the prison system to providing free healthy food to Black communities, we're honored to do our part to uplift Black voices and organizations working to build a better and more just world for all of us. You can learn more about how to get involved with these organizations on our Instagram or by clicking below.
TGI Justice Project
The TGI Justice Project's mission is to challenge and end the human rights abuses committed against transgender, gender variant/genderqueer and intersex (TGI) people in California prisons and beyond. Support their work here!
Black Earth Farms
Black Earth Farms is a collective of Pan-African and Pan-Indigenous farmers, builders and educators working to build sustainable and community-driven food systems. They grow, harvest, and deliver nutrient dense and chemical-free food to low-income, houseless, and food desert communities—and now, they’re delivering free food to black folks who have been injured and affected by the recent uprising in Oakland. You can support their work here.
Assata's Daughters
Assata’s Daughters is a Chicago-based, Black woman-led, young person-directed organization whose mission is to train young people in the Black feminist political tradition. For the young people in their community, Assata’s Daughters provides food, work stipends, mental health resources, and short-term assistance in critical times. Donate to their work here!
Black Lives Matter — LA
Black Lives Matter LA has worked tirelessly since their establishment in 2013, following George Zimmerman’s acquittal for the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. From leading the #FireBeck campaign to oust the former LAPD Chief to their latest work organizing to #defundthepolice, Black Lives Matter LA has shown fearless leadership in the conversation and action against police brutality. Support their work here.
Equal Justice Initiative
Equal Justice Initiative provides legal representation to people who have been illegally convicted, unfairly sentenced, or abused in state jails and prisons, along with critical public education and memorialism work to create spaces for honest reflection on racism and mass incarceration in the United States. Donate here to sustain their critical work.
Black Feast
Black Feast was founded to uplift and celebrate Blackness in the food and art worlds through pop-up dinners and events. Every Sunday, they are giving out free care packages of love letters and desserts to Black folks in the Bay Area to foster Black love, care, and joy. Support their work: @blackfeast via Venmo.
Supr.markt offers low-cost organic grocery pop-ups and deliveries to communities in South LA without ready access to good, wholesome food. Their latest program #feedthehood, provides free vegan meals every weekend to the Leimert Park community and beyond. Sustain their work with a donation!
To our Black community, we are committed to continuing to learn and uplift Black voices in this historic moment and beyond. We're thinking deeply about how to incorporate equitable action into the DNA of our company and ensuring that our actions are informed by the views of those most vulnerable to systems of oppression. We have a lot of conversation, relationship building, and thoughtful investment ahead of us. We hope you will join us.
If you have resources, organizations, or thoughts to share, you can reach us anytime at